Become a Private Jet Flight Attendant in Just 5 Weeks

(without previous experience)

SkyAngels SKYacademy is an INTERACTIVE live, 5-week course experience packed with tools, coaching, and the community you need to get paid to travel the world as a private jet cabin attendant.

SKYacademy is your step-by-step, how-to guide to launching your career.

Taught by Steffany Kisling, this live interactive digital (and in-person) course is a deep dive into every component of launching your career (without previous experience) — giving you the tools, roadmap, and insider knowledge you need to become a private jet flight attendant and live a life you always wanted (and deserved).


Wondering If SKYacademy Is Right For You? Here’s How You’ll Know…

✔️ You dream of saying goodbye to your dull career and getting paid ($$$) to explore the world

✔️ You get excited using your skills and love for all things hospitality to create amazing experiences and memorable moments for others

✔️ You’ve been thinking about transitioning careers for a while, and you’re ready to start your next chapter in life - you just need some guidance and inspiration to take the leap

✔️ You’re up for a rewarding challenge, have a can-do attitude, you’re determined to succeed and make yourself proud

Are you feeling that flutter of excitement and saying, “hi! that’s me!?” Well, you’re in the right place.

During 5 weeks inside of SKYacademy, you’ll…

  • No.1

    Learn the secrets to creating in-flight experiences on a private jet that will WOW guests who request you back by name.

  • No. 2

    Dive deep into the various stages of a flight: pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight, and how to execute each stage flawlessly.

  • No. 3

    Receive SkyAngels Manual (aka The SkyAngels Bible) with Pro-Tips, plug-and-play templates, scripts, and step-by-step checklists so you know exactly what to do at each stage of a flight.

  • No. 4

    Complete student activities that put your new skills into action and receive feedback from SKYtrainers to improve and refine your new skills as you progress through the course.

  • No. 5

    Join a private Community of like-minded peers ready to give you accountability and support on your career journey — and you’ll get to network and grow in ways that give you the results you deserve.

I made my training fee back with that trip. That is the largest check I have received in my working career! Thank you for preparing me for my future and helping me realize I can do anything I put my mind to.”

Kia, SKYacademy Graduate

Are you ready to join SKYacademy and Become a Private Jet Flight Attendant?!

THREE Payments of

$2,300 USD

One-time payment of

$6,500 USD

(that’s $400 off!)


What SKYacademy Graduates Are Saying…

  • Samantha

    “The SkyAngels Community has helped fill my cup with empowering energy. The encouragement, praise, and high fives are great reminders you’re doing well even when you feel you’re not. It helps to keep going!”

  • Zoë

    In attending SKYacademy I could ensure that self-doubt and failure were NOT an option for me. In completely TRUSTING myself, I realized I was in charge of my destiny. Before SKYacademy - I had settled for mediocre. Now, what still seems to be a dream…is my reality. A SkyAngels Life is MY life.

  • Ivey

    It was an honor to attend SKYacademy. I genuinely appreciate all of the heart and dedication you put into empowering and helping us see our true potential. I am forever thankful.”

  • Havy

    “I am pleased with picking SkyAngels SKYacademy program over other programs I looked into because of the high standards SKYacademy holds. Growth only happens when we’re uncomfortable and challenged and I know my SisterAngels and I will be set up for success with our training and feedback from our SKYtrainers.”

  • Hillary

    “Attending SkyAngels SKYacademy was one of the best decisions of my life!! Thank you for setting me up for success.”

  • Cynthia

    “I’m grateful for the direction from everyone, our MamaAngel Steffany, SKYtrainers, and the recommendation of our amazing SisterAngel! I received an interview through her support and I feel like I rocked it!! SKYacademy prepared me for every single question they asked! There was not one question related to the job title that I wasn’t confident I answered correctly. Honestly, I felt so sure and knew I wouldn’t have had I not gone through SkyAngels. I’m so blessed to be a part of this beautiful community!”

During Week 1…

Career Insights & Roadmap

  • Learn Steffany’s career insights that earned her multi-five-figure trips and loyal clients

  • Start understanding the mindset, skills, and knowledge you need to wow the world’s most discerning clients

  • Get a detailed Roadmap (aka: a comprehensive to-do list for everything you need to do each week to successfully pass the course and earn your SkyAngels’ Golden Wing

What’s inside of this live course experience?…

During Week 2…

Creating a Delightful Experience

  • Learn the exact steps to creating a Delightful Experience - plus snag Steffany’s checklists to ensure you remember every task

  • Get really clear on how to personalize the flight for your guest’s unique preferences to convert them into loyal clients

  • Start implementing these skills with Student Activities that build confidence

During Week 3…

In-flight Hospitality & Service

  • Discover the three different service styles, when and how to provide each style — plus learn the intricacies of wine and drink service specific to service on a private jet

  • Get clear on how to create menus and where to source food for each flight that meets your guest’s expectations for quality

  • Learn the secret to staging the aircraft with elegant style and simplicity

During Week 4…

Executing a Flight from


  • Understand the 8 stages of a flight you need to execute (when and how)

  • Get a step-by-step roadmap of each task to perform and when

  • Snag detailed templates and scripts to use for every stage of a flight, plus examples for each

During Week 5…

It’s Your Time to Shine

  • Join us in person in Santa Rosa, CA to apply everything you’ve learned in Weeks 1-4

  • Apply the tools, and demonstrate your skills and knowledge during a Mock Flight to build confidence and earn your SkyAngels Golden Wing

  • PLUS…complete the FAA Part 135.331 Emergency Crewmember & G550 Practical Training to learn how to handle in-flight emergencies

It’s everything you need to launch your new career….

And don’t worry — I am not just telling you what to do - I am breaking it all down for you. You’ll get resources like my exclusive SkyAngels Manual that tells you exactly what to do (when and how!) to wow the private jet traveler on every flight… my comprehensive checklists lays out what specific action(s) you need to take at every stage of a flight so you’re 100% ready to go ‘wheels up’… a list of the exact supplies I use for a seamless flight experience… and a whole lot more!

And that’s not it!

You’ll also get these bonuses when you enroll in SKYacademy:

  • SKYacademy PRIVATE Community

    — SKYacademy Students Ony —

    Get direct access to your SKYtrainers (previous SKYacademy graduates with successful careers) who are dedicated to helping you succeed

    Build lasting friendships with like-minded women who lift each other up to soar high.

    VALUED AT $199

  • Soar High Workshop

    Learn my 5-STEP Soar High Framework to connect with thousands of clients PLUS...

    LIVE interactive workshop

    Connect with 10+ prospective clients during this 90-minute workshop

    Plug & Play templates

    Scripts so you know what to say

    Interview strategies to land every offer

    Accountability buddy

    VALUED AT $997

  • SKYsimplicity Roadmap

    Learn my exact strategies to…

    Launch Your Career

    Templates - resume and bio

    Checklists - Flight folder (Portfolio)

    Execute a Seamless Flight

    Checklists: for all stages of a flight

    Templates: catering, layovers

    Leave a Lasting POSITIVE Impression

    Checklists: to WOW your clients post-trip and create loyal clients

    Templates: invoice & post-trip documents

    VALUED AT $1000

  • Emergency Crewmember Training

    Learn how to handle Emergency Situations:

    Prepare for an emergency landing

    Brace positions

    Brace commands

    Evacuation Procedures

    Water Egress

    Land Egress

    Operate & Exit Emergency Windows

    Fire training

    VALUED AT $2500

  • SKYcrew Network

    Exclusive SKYcrew Network Access:

    Get promoted to thousands of industry professionals and prospective clients

    Career Opportunities

    Contract Flights

    Salary Positions

    Featured on our website

    VALUED AT $799

  • SkyAngels PRIVATE Community

    — SKYacademy Graduates Only —

    Get connected to hundreds of SKYacademy graduates

    Host/Attend SkyAngelSOCIALS


    Weekly LIVE Coaching

    → Career tips

    → Prospecting tips

    → Motivation

    → Inspiration

    VALUED AT $1200

THREE Payments of

$2,300 USD

Alllllllll of that (seriously!) for just…


One-time payment of

$6,500 USD

(that’s $400 off!)

Meet Your Instructor

Hi! I’m Steffany Kisling - creator, career strategist, and CEO of SkyAngels

After getting my start in private aviation as a private jet cabin attendant, I became an advocate and career strategist for women in private aviation — helping aspiring cabin attendants courageously transition careers into the exclusive world of private aviation and live their lives to the fullest.

Three years later I then went on to found SKYacademy: a training course dedicated to teaching women how to be THE BEST OF THE BEST private jet cabin attendants by tapping into and pushing them to their fullest potential.

SKYacademy is more than just a private jet cabin attendant training course. The women who attend SKYacademy don’t just launch new careers, they launch a new vest for life, a new confidence, and a new belief in themselves. They are transformed in the most beautiful ways. They live a dream life. They get paid to travel. They pay off their debts. They spend more quality time with the people they love. They start businesses. They become unstoppable.

After helping hundreds of women launch their careers, I'm on a mission to support you in taking courageous action, launching a new career — and a new vest for life, and becoming a private jet cabin attendant.

My mission is rooted in the desire to help you create a life you love and help you see your potential - regardless of whatever stands in your way.

I’ve taken what I’ve learned from over a decade of flying and earning over six figures a year and created a straightforward, step-by-step, empowering approach for you to Become a Private Jet Flight Attendant.

Are you ready to learn my exact strategy, get access to tons of step-by-step guides and frameworks, and learn everything you need for a proven successful transition into a career you’ll love?

Wait…that was a LOT. Can I get a review of everything included in SKYacademy?

Of course! When you invest in SKYacademy to Become a Private Jet Flight Attendant, you get 5 weeks of live, interactive teaching that gives you EVERYTHING you need to launch, INCLUDING:

One-time payment of

$6,500 USD

(that’s $400 off!)

THREE Payments of

$2,300 USD

Allllll of that for just….

  • SKYacademy offers a 5-week course starting on the second full week of each month

    Weeks 1 - 4 you'll manage your learning schedule to complete the online coursework. This self-paced approach allows you to progress through the course at your convenience while meeting the necessary timeframes.

    Week 5, involves in-person training in Santa Rosa, CA, from Monday through Friday, beginning at 8 AM. To participate in Week 5, you must have completed all prerequisites. Refer to FAQ 'What are the requirements to graduate?'

  • With your course, you'll get a detailed roadmap to guide you. This plan will help you schedule your studies, complete all tasks, and maximize your learning experience.

    Expect to spend about 9-11 hours weekly on your coursework, depending on your existing hospitality skills and experience.

  • Embark on your SKYacademy journey with confidence, knowing we're here to support you every step of the way—even when it comes to travel and accommodations for the crucial Week 5 in-person training. Although these costs aren't covered in your SKYacademy enrollment fee, we're committed to making your experience as seamless and affordable as possible.

    Here's how we assist:

    Marriott Hotel Room Discount: Enjoy exclusive savings on your stay with our special rate at Marriott hotels, ensuring comfort without stretching your budget.

    Connect with Classmates: We'll help you link up with fellow SKYacademy students, providing an opportunity to share rooms and rental cars. This not only helps in reducing your expenses but also fosters a sense of community and support amongst peers as you approach the culmination of your training.

  • When you join the course, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with the other students in your course and find an accountability buddy. You will also have access to a private Community with the other students and the SKYtrainers where you can ask questions and get support. The SkyAngels team will also be available to answer any questions about the course and point you to additional resources that you might find helpful.

  • At SKYacademy, excellence is not just a goal; it's our standard.

    Here's how our unique pass/fail program shapes your path to success:

    Dive into Student Activities with determination during Weeks 1-4: Achieving a minimum of 70% is your first milestone, allowing you to progress to our pivotal Week 5 in-person training.

    Aim higher in Week 5: This is when your skills are polished and tested. Score 80% or more, and you'll not only graduate but also earn your esteemed golden wing, symbolizing your readiness to soar in your career as a top-tier flight attendant.

  • This is the course for you! We’ll take you step-by-step through every.single.thing you need to learn (including how to launch your career after completing training). The only thing you need to do is show up and commit to learning and doing the work.

  • SKYacademy’s training program is focused on your career success beyond graduation.

    By joining us, you gain access to a network of industry professionals and get support from our experienced SKYtrainers, who are active private jet flight attendants.

    This network and support system can significantly boost your journey into a successful private aviation career.

  • Your earnings as a private jet flight attendant can vary widely, influenced by factors like your experience, where you work, and how often you fly. Your pay structure could be as an employee on a salary or as an independent contractor on a day rate:

    Salary: Expect earnings between $65,000 and $150,000+ annually.

    Contract Day Rate: Typically ranges from $600 to $1,000+ per day.

    For example, if you work on a contract basis and take a two-week trip to Bora Bora, you might only fly on two days but get paid for the entire duration you're away. With a day rate of $900, a 14-day trip could earn you $12,600, plus reimbursements for hotels, meals, and transportation. This way, one trip could potentially cover your SKYacademy investment and leave you with a profit.

  • If you love to travel, thrive on providing exceptional luxury experiences, and embody professionalism, punctuality, and a knack for organization – all with a discreet, adaptable approach to every challenge, plus the energy to keep going with a smile, then yes, this exciting career could be yours.

    Curious about what life in the skies entails? Follow us on Instagram @fly_skyangels for a sneak peek. Dive into our saved stories for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at our SKYacademy graduates' journey and see where they've soared to now.

  • SKYacademy offers an immersive training experience designed to prime you for success in the private aviation sector. Though we do not hire graduates directly, our comprehensive curriculum furnishes you with critical skills, comprehensive tools, and robust support, positioning you to thrive as a private jet cabin attendant.

    By engaging in our program, you'll gain access to in-depth support and targeted workshops aimed at navigating the distinct landscape of private versus commercial aviation, ensuring you're well-equipped to embark on your career with confidence.

  • You don't have to move to start your career with SKYacademy or as a private jet cabin attendant. Start right from your hometown, or explore opportunities in different places!

    Just look up "private jet FBOs" near you to find out if there are private jet services at your local airports. If they have FBOs, you're ready to soar from your hometown!

  • When it comes to the common concerns about age, weight, and height for private jet flight attendants:

    Age: While age is just a number, most jobs require you to be at least 21, mainly to legally purchase alcohol for flights.

    Weight: Your ability to move quickly in emergencies and navigate through the smaller exits of private jets is crucial. This means your weight and size should not hinder your ability to ensure the safety of everyone on board.

    Height: Considering the average interior height of private jets is around 6 feet, being taller might require additional consideration for comfort and mobility inside the cabin.

  • When it comes to the common concerns about age, weight, and height for private jet flight attendants:

    Age: While age is just a number, most jobs require you to be at least 21, mainly to legally purchase alcohol for flights.

    Weight: Your ability to move quickly in emergencies and navigate through the smaller exits of private jets is crucial. This means your weight and size should not hinder your ability to ensure the safety of everyone on board.

    Height: Considering the average interior height of private jets is around 6 feet, being taller might require additional consideration for comfort and mobility inside the cabin.

Frequently Asked Questions

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